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Addressing Rampant Intellectual Property Piracy in Nigeria: Ifedayo Oniyide Advocates Technological Encryption as the Solution


Intellectual property piracy has reached alarming levels in Nigeria, causing significant concerns within the esteemed Nollywood film industry. Recent incidents have brought to light the immense adversity faced by some of Nollywood's biggest films, such as "Battle on the Bukka Street" and "A Tribe Called Judah," which, despite surpassing box office records and emerging as the highest-grossing movies in Africa, suffered leaks setback in January 2024. While suspicions of syndicated crime persist, Ifedayo Oniyide suggests that advancements in technology encryption can end this detrimental practice. The leak of highly anticipated films like "Orisa" by Odunlade Adekola, "The Bloom Boys," "L.I.F.E," "Silence," and "Hotel Lambaba" on platforms such as YouTube and various entertainment websites dealt a severe blow to Cinemax and Filmone, leading players in Nigeria's exhibition and distribution market, who had licensed these films to Amazon Prime and Netflix. Investigations have revealed that these leaks were orchestrated in exchange for lower sales on social channels and increased views and subscribers on YouTube. Such acts undermine the value of intellectual property and hinder the growth and development of the creative industry in Nigeria. Ifedayo Oniyide, in discussions with Marapolsa Reviews, highlighted the urgent need for technological improvements in encryption as a lasting solution to combat intellectual property piracy. He also emphasized the importance of the Nigerian government implementing stricter punishments for individuals found guilty of such acts. By increasing the penalties, potential perpetrators would be deterred from committing intellectual property theft. To address this issue effectively, bloggers and online platforms must refrain from circulating leaked intellectual property and creative works and instead report the sources to the producers or distribution companies. Ifedayo Oniyide stressed that piracy not only stifles creativity but also takes a toll on the mental health of filmmakers and erodes confidence among investors eager to contribute to the growth and value of the Nigerian film industry. He further stated, "Technology improvement in encryption is vital for safeguarding the intellectual property of filmmakers. The Federal Government must take decisive action in implementing stricter measures to protect the rights of content creators. By doing so, we will instill confidence in investors and create an enabling environment for the industry's growth and prosperity." As the Nigerian film industry continues to evolve and significantly contribute to the nation's cultural and economic landscape, combating intellectual property piracy remains a top priority. By harnessing advanced technology encryption, implementing robust legal frameworks, and fostering collaboration among industry stakeholders, Nigeria can ensure that filmmakers and investors receive the full value of their intellectual property investments.


About Ifedayo Oniyide:

Ifedayo Oniyide is a highly regarded Nigerian entertainment and Fintech figure and a passionate advocate for intellectual property rights. With extensive experience in film production and